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Showing posts from 2019

Why? Because I can

Hello readers, this post will be longer one, but I'll try cover all what goes in my mind last 3 months, when I spending time with Chappie. Lets begin with the real start that is dated to  somewhere about 2011. Yep, it's almost 8 year from start of basic idea. These day I was limited with almost everything. Let's start from beginning.. Everything start when I was playing Portal 2 game and I was amazed by Wheatley. Talking robot with fascinating level of facial expressions. What was created by few simple principles.I need to make him alive in my house, that was the first what came in my mind. But how I can create the model and make him alive? 3d printing was in really starting point, printer are expensive, and I don't have any friend who have it. This problem can be solved by few companies started 3d printing on demand, but there is still problem with the mode. I can't find any model on internet, what can make me happy with level of details and game accurate feel

There was an ear at the beginning

First of regular update post, I'm working on this quiete long time. First goal of next phase is design functional model of ear with capability of full range of motion, how its shown in a move. In few day, overall summart post will be posted. This will contain what is my goal and how I planning to achieve it.. Just enjoy first peak into my project. Video of drawing process: